Class QGBase

All Implemented Interfaces:
Item, QConverter, QGBaseIntf
Direct Known Subclasses:
QMAccessClass, QMAccessField, QMAccessListField, QMAccessListProperty, QMAccessProperty, QMAttribute, QMChild, QMContentRef, QMElement, QMExtends, QMField, QMImplements, QMProperty, QMQJML, QMRem, QMSelection, QMSequence, QMTargetClass, QMTargetEditor, QMTargetFactory, QMValue

public abstract class QGBase
extends QConverterSupport
implements QGBaseIntf

Fields inherited from class com.jxml.quick.QConverterSupport
al, destination, PUBLIC, rootTag, SYSTEM
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void cvt()
 void print(PrintWriter pw)
          print a summary of this object
abstract  void print(PrintWriter pw, String indent)
          print a summary of this object
Methods inherited from class com.jxml.quick.QConverterSupport
addBase64Attribute, addBase64Content, addBigDecimalAttribute, addBigDecimalContent, addBooleanAttribute, addBooleanAttribute, addBooleanContent, addBooleanContent, addByteAttribute, addByteAttribute, addByteContent, addByteContent, addCharAttribute, addCharAttribute, addCharContent, addCharContent, addDoubleAttribute, addDoubleAttribute, addDoubleContent, addDoubleContent, addFloatAttribute, addFloatAttribute, addFloatContent, addFloatContent, addIntAttribute, addIntAttribute, addIntContent, addIntContent, addLongAttribute, addLongAttribute, addLongContent, addLongContent, addShortAttribute, addShortAttribute, addShortContent, addShortContent, addStringAttribute, addStringContent, addURLAttribute, addURLContent, emptyElement, endElement, eval, eval, evalRoot, getPUBLIC, getRootTag, getSYSTEM, main, setDestination, startElement
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public QGBase()
Method Detail


public abstract void print(PrintWriter pw,
                           String indent)
Description copied from interface: QGBaseIntf
print a summary of this object
Specified by:
print in interface QGBaseIntf


public void print(PrintWriter pw)
print a summary of this object
Specified by:
print in interface QGBaseIntf


public void cvt()
         throws SAXException