Class Summary |
Represents a parsed Document Type Definition |
DTDAny |
Represents the ANY keyword in an Element's content spec |
DTDAttlist |
Represents an ATTLIST declaration in the DTD. |
DTDAttribute |
Represents a DTD Attribute in an ATTLIST declaration |
DTDCardinal |
Represents the various cardinality values for a DTD item. |
DTDChoice |
Represents a choice of items. |
DTDComment |
Represents a comment in the DTD |
DTDContainer |
Represents an item that may contain other items (such as a
DTDChoice or a DTDSequence) |
DTDDecl |
Represents the possible values for an attribute declaration |
DTDElement |
Represents an element defined with the ELEMENT DTD tag |
DTDEmpty |
Represents the EMPTY keyword in an Element's content spec |
DTDEntity |
Represents an Entity defined in a DTD |
DTDEnumeration |
Represents an enumeration of attribute values |
DTDExternalID |
Represents an external ID in an entity declaration |
DTDItem |
Represents any item in the DTD |
DTDMixed |
Represents a mixed Element content (PCDATA + choice/sequence). |
DTDName |
Represents a named item in the DTD |
DTDNotation |
Represents a Notation defined in a DTD |
DTDNotationList |
Represents a notation declaration for an attribute |
DTDParser |
Parses a DTD file and returns a DTD object |
Represents the #PCDATA keyword in an Element's content spec |
DTDProcessingInstruction |
Represents a processing instruction in the DTD |
DTDPublic |
Represents an external Public ID in an entity declaration |
DTDSequence |
Represents a sequence in an element's content. |
DTDSystem |
Represents an external System ID in an entity declaration |