Package com.wutka.dtd

Interface Summary
DTDOutput Defines the method used for writing DTD information to a PrintWriter

Class Summary
DTD Represents a parsed Document Type Definition
DTDAny Represents the ANY keyword in an Element's content spec
DTDAttlist Represents an ATTLIST declaration in the DTD.
DTDAttribute Represents a DTD Attribute in an ATTLIST declaration
DTDCardinal Represents the various cardinality values for a DTD item.
DTDChoice Represents a choice of items.
DTDComment Represents a comment in the DTD
DTDContainer Represents an item that may contain other items (such as a DTDChoice or a DTDSequence)
DTDDecl Represents the possible values for an attribute declaration
DTDElement Represents an element defined with the ELEMENT DTD tag
DTDEmpty Represents the EMPTY keyword in an Element's content spec
DTDEntity Represents an Entity defined in a DTD
DTDEnumeration Represents an enumeration of attribute values
DTDExternalID Represents an external ID in an entity declaration
DTDItem Represents any item in the DTD
DTDMixed Represents a mixed Element content (PCDATA + choice/sequence).
DTDName Represents a named item in the DTD
DTDNotation Represents a Notation defined in a DTD
DTDNotationList Represents a notation declaration for an attribute
DTDParser Parses a DTD file and returns a DTD object
DTDPCData Represents the #PCDATA keyword in an Element's content spec
DTDProcessingInstruction Represents a processing instruction in the DTD
DTDPublic Represents an external Public ID in an entity declaration
DTDSequence Represents a sequence in an element's content.
DTDSystem Represents an external System ID in an entity declaration

Exception Summary